Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Day Be Ready Herriman 4th Was Born

What would be a more appropriate date to begin our blog than that of our state's birthday (okay, one hour early)?  July 24th, 2011 marks the beginning of our virtual approach to emergency preparedness, like the pioneers started a new adventure of settling untamed land.  We begin this adventure with high hopes that many will lend their abilities and services to the community members of our area so we can all achieve a more safe and sound experience in case of disaster. 

Jessica Tidwell is the Emergency Preparedness Specialist for the Fort Herriman Stake, with assistance from Andrea Burt in the Timbergate apartments, and I, Natalie Griffith, assist over the north Tuscany development.  We've been called, sustained, and set-apart to serve in these capacities and look forward to doing our part to magnify our duties. 

Please post your comments often so we can clarify and enhance this learning experience for all.    Our intention is to keep preparedness at the forefront of your mind so you will take the action necessary to become sufficiently ready for any type of emergency. 

The topics we will cover include (but are not limited to):
  • Natural Disaster Do's and Don'ts
  • First Aid for Pros
  • Fun with Food Storage
  • Insights from Area Experts (like Dr. Poor, and Professor Edwards)
You'll enjoy a new take on old news BE READY Herriman 4th (that means YOU)!  

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Thanks for inviting me, Natalie! I look forward to all the great info. :) Awesome idea!
