1st degree- outer layer of skin is burned, skin is usually red with swelling,
sometimes painful
2nd degree- first & second layer of skin is burned through, blisters develop on
splotchy red skin, severe pain & swelling
For 1st & 2nd degree burns smaller than 3 inches in diameter treat as a minor burn
Do- Cool the burn for 10-15mins, with running water until pain is gone
Do-Cover loosely with gauze to keep air out
Do-Take a pain reliever

Don’t- Immerse in very cold water or ice
Don't- Use fluffy cotton that will get lint into wound
Don't- Apply butter or ointments -they can cause infection
Don't- Break blisters
3rd Degree- all layers of skin, may be black or appear dry and white, could have
difficulty breathing
Do- Call 911 & until help arrives do the following:
Check for signs of breathing.
Perform CPR if necessary
Elevate burnt parts of body so that they are raised above heart level
Cover the area of the burn with a cool sterile cloth or bandage
Don’t- Remove burnt clothing
Don’t immerse large severe burns in cold water
If you have more applicable insight or a story in case-in-point, feel free to leave a comment!
info. taken from the www.mayoclinic.com
contributed by Andrea Burt